Site icon Allison Carmen

Episode 11: Is More Always Better?

I think most of us intellectually know that the saying, “more is always better” is not always true.  However, many of us don’t realize how much in our daily lives we buy into this idea on an emotional level.  In fact, we are taught from a very young age that big careers, big houses, big money and even bigger portions of food will lead us to bigger, happier lives.  Yet, always wanting more can create dissatisfaction because we start to believe our lives are not enough today. It also takes us out of the present, the only place we can truly find joy and create anything new in our lives.  Surrendering the idea of constantly wanting “more” doesn’t mean that we can’t have goals and want things to grow in our lives, but maybe there are areas where we can loosen the grasp it has on us so we can find more peace, happiness and success.  When this moment is enough we are not only present to enjoy all the blessings, but we are also present enough to create everything that is possible in our lives.

MAYBE the MORE today is enough, the MORE we will be able to create the lives that we always dreamed of in the future.  If you want to learn more about this idea and bring more joy, satisfaction and abundance to your life, please listen to Episode 11: Is More Always Better?

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