Sometimes we make mistakes, things don't go our way, or someone betrays us. Even though all of these things can be painful, if we let what happens in the outside world determine how we see ourselves and our capabilities, we can undermine our futures. Listen to this podcast to learn how to stand tall in the face of adversity and pursue your dreams.
Even if we have great intentions and resolutions for 2023, unexpected events can make us feel stressed and move us off our path. Listen to this podcast to learn how to reduce your stress and make 2023 the year you have the strength and resilience to make your dreams come true!
In 2023, "Look for the opportunity to leap, and leap faster than your fear can grab you"(Vironika Tugaleva). Listen to this podcast to invite and pursue all the incredible possibilities and opportunities for this beautiful New Year 2023! Maybe the best is yet to come!
The great Yogi Berra once said, "The Future Ain·t What It Used To Be." At first glance, it is funny because, of course, the future hasn't happened yet. But, at second glance, many of us do feel this way because we worry that our lives can't improve based on our past or present. Listen to this podcast to embrace the idea that the unknown future is your best friend because, for all you know, Maybe the Best Is Yet To Come!
As much as most of us love to feel joy and abundance, sometimes we feel hurt and pain and need to be with it. It could feel scary and unpleasant to process our feelings, but when we allow them to flow through our hearts, we can have the opportunity to accept our situation, let go, and begin again. And each beginning presents us with the hope and possibility that we can have the life we want from this day forward.
Sometimes we don't pursue a goal, a relationship, or a dream because we are afraid of the pain of disappointment, rejection, or failure. We might believe pain is our enemy and can forget that pain is part of life. Every pursuit presents setbacks and lessons, but if we face the pain when it comes, we can process it and find freedom -- the freedom to live with an open heart and feel what we must to experience the most life has to offer.
Are you feeling stuck? Do you have a dream but don't think you can make it happen? Listen to this podcast for inspiration to start believing that your dreams are real, change is possible, and that Maybe the best is yet to come!
We typically hold on to people and other meaningful things tightly because we love them, and we want everything to be okay. But for all things to flourish, we often must give them space and freedom. Listen to this podcast to learn how to, as 38 Special sings, "hold on loosely, but don't let go" and remember, "[i]f you cling too tightly, you're gonna lose control."